Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Levels is over, game on!

After months of sufferings, studying day to night, A levels is finally over!
First, a summary of the A level examinations. GP was weird, the essay did not have an environment question and the comprehension had a strange AQ. Mathes was great! Chemistry and Physics was okay, except that i was sick when i took both the paper 2. I really have to thank god for helping me out. Even though i was sick at the start of the 2nd week of A levels, i managed to pull myself through Physics P2, Chemistry P2, Economics P1&2. Couldn't think as sharply as usual during these exams but still, i've to thank god. Economics was so-so. Paper 2 was quite unusual because most of the questions involve more of thinking than sheer/brute force mugging. Paper 1, i mis-read the final part of the 2nd question. Maths H3 was do-able but i supposed the bell-curve for distinction will be damn high because of other imba people. The unfortunate thing is that i forgot the method for the integrating factor which costed me 5 marks in one of the question. Overall, quite ambitious but i wish for a perfect score for my A levels results, except for PW and Chinese, which are already over and there's no way back! But whatever results i get, i will gladly accept them because my future is in god's good hands. If he grants my wish, then yay. If he decides to give me something else, i promise not to get too worried because god will always be there to guide me to success in other means.
Next, post-exam celebrations. There were the last day and the last last day of A levels. The last day was on 14th nov, friday. It was after my Maths H3 paper and Chemistry P1. My class could afford to celebrate for a while because Physics P1 was on the following tuesday. We went Marina Square to have lunch at a noodles house and played Indian Poker. Subra and Foo Foo lost haha. Then, we ended up in Leisure Park, played bowling there because Marina Square was packed. Got a total score of around 100, not bad :) We also celebrated Nick's birthday on that day, bought him a cake. The last last day was really the last day. It was after Physics P1. Liberation! Mugging is over! We celebrated like dogs. Went to Bugis because we wanted to go to a cafe to play board games and have lunch at the same time. But the place was close when we reach so we went Pastamania to eat instead. Then we changed our mind and went Nazri's house. Watched Prestige, an excellent movie of magicians. Watched it before but still worth the time. Then we went out to have bubble tea and played in the playground, like kids.
Third, hospital check up and packing of room. On 19th november, i had to go to SGH in the morning to take a breathing test. Missed out on playing soccer at the Cage, so sad :( There were 4 tests in total. The first 2 tests were held in a cabin. I had to breathe in and out, sometimes breathe in hard and breathe out fast and long. It was quite tiring lol. For the 2nd test, the doctor had the cabin's door closed. The cabin was quite special. It could produce echos from outside the cabin. Another doctor was arranging papers and i can hear her hitting the papers onto the table. Wow haha. After that, i was back home arranging my room. It was a tiring task. I took the whole afternoon packing but still i'm not done with it yet. I'll continue to pack tomorrow. The last time i packed my stuffs, i was at the end of O levels. As i was packing, i realise i've too many stuffs in my cardboard. Secondary school books and notes, i thought they were of some use in JC but NO, so recycle or sell at Bras Basah. Toys, time to part with them, i'm too old for them, can't possibly keep them all. I'm just like a rubbish collector. But now, at least my study table is empty. Quite ironic, i only used my study table for putting notes, not for studying. Usually study on my bed or in the living room coffee table or outside home. Also, i'm planning to paint my room, make it as cosy as possible, anyway i've all the time in the world to do so right now before army, re-decorate it to my liking. Cheers!
Lastly, it's my class chalet. Class chalet was from Thursday to today. Track chalet was also on Thursday. On Thursday, i woke up late, around 1030am, packed my bag for chalet and by the time i reached Pasir Ris, it was 1245pm but still, i'm the 2nd to arrive, Wee Leong the 1st, everyone else very late. Then, around 3pm, me, Wee Leong, Subra, Marg, Michelle, Ben and Nick went to check in. Apparently, the person at the counter told us that we had to pay 260 dollars more if we are not NEBO members. So i had to join the NEBO membership for 20 dollars. But there's quite a few benefits and privileges from the membership e.g. discount for car-driving test at Ubi ComfortDelGro Driving Centre, discount prices for movie tickets and rental of skates from SkateSports ECP. After that, we went into the chalet. Living conditions were so-so. Upstairs bed and aircon. Downstairs television, toilet and fridge. Played a few hours of mahjong then went to track chalet. The farewell gift was a box with socks and a few photos of the track-and-field memories. Went back to class chalet at around 1130 with Ashley. Played FIFA, then the word "sial" came out from Justin and the guys keep saying sial. Played a car racing game, where the guys tried to smash cars out of the map. Other games: Bridge, Cheat, Homo, Tyti. Quote of the day was when we were playing Homo, at 530am, Subra was quite tired and when he lost one round, he suddenly shouted "Come come come" to Michelle in the Indian style and she went to him like a submissive wife, quoted from Justin. Then, we had nothing to do so i decided to spend some time telling people's fortune in marriage. Not bad sial, i was quite professional. We slept from 7-9am. Second day was FIFA then bowling at E!hub. I was flaccid. I got the 2 lowest scores of my life. 50 and 58, not my day. We played arcade after that. Funny moment of the day, a Malay on the motorcycle with his friend, saying that his motorbike is fast like a car sial. I laugh like a dog sial. Cannot maintain sial. Also, when Zhao Chen played the car racing game with me, Nazri and Justin, Nazri and Justin lapped Zhao Chen and kept "smashing him out of the map". Just when he thought he crossed the finishing line and that he finished 2nd, we reminded him that he had one more lap. Haha. Then, i had an early night, slept earliest at 11pm, woke up latest at 9am. Left with me, Ben, Subra, Nazri, Michelle and Megan. We went brunch and i went to send my church friend off at the airport.
In the afternoon, i had another fun time. James and I decided to play a trick on Melvin. We told the rest to trick him into believing that it's Rochelle's birthday, so that he can buy his own cake. To add salt onto wound, he even went to buy a present, thinking it's really Rochelle's birthday. Rochelle played her role really well, accepting birthday wishes from us like it's really her birthday. After church service, we went to the food court and even made Melvin set up his own cake. Then, we started to sing the birthday song and suddenly shouted his name. He was surprised and tricked. He chose his own cake and bought himself a birthday present. Funny sial. A trick masterminded by James and well-executed by me and Li Yin who accompanied him to purchase the cake.
More fun and enjoyment to come definitely. But i must look for a job soon. So that i will have money to spend. Good news, the WWS thing i'm doing with Kenji and Shiang Nee, is offering us something like an internship thing and we will be paid at a good rate. Alright! We will have to plan a conference which will be held in Dunman High next June.

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