Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tuesday 13/01/09: Morning went to Spring again to set up the booth for work. There wasn't much people so i was playing my psp for most of the time there. Haha slack. Then after having lunch, we went back to the WWS for the AWS meeting, an update of what we have been done so far and what has to be done in the future. We have to appoint a new head for the student secretarist head. Kenji and I can't take up the role as we will be serving army when the symposium is been held at DHS in June. As Shiang Nee and SRJC Kimberly were the heads of the overall project, they also couldn't take up the role. So it was left with Tricia and Kang Li, both just joined WWS, from VJC and MJC/my church respectively. Both were appointed joint heads. For the next few months, we will have to advertise the symposium to the rest of the JCs and Polys. We may be sent out to schools to talk to teachers or students about it. A lot of stuffs to be done so work will be getting busier soon. Haha. Then in the evening, we had a pioneers meeting at Li Yin's house. We will be going to TJC and MJC to share with people the power and the love of God next month, hoping to restore the caregroup at both schools. This group of people who i am pioneering with, are all J3s. They will be my new caregroup and it will be a chance for me to grow with them because they are much older than me in terms of their spiritual experiences. They are really enthusiastic about god and i really pray that we will succeed in what we will be doing for god.
Wednesday 14/01/09: There was a presentation in the afternoon at Senoko Powers, somewhere at Sembawang. I left home early so that i can write the farewell cards for my VJC caregroup. The caregroup will be re-structured soon, with J3s going to pioneers or grads caregroups and the dunman girls going to the DHS caregroup. The feeling of separation from this group of passionate friends will be difficult to take in but it will surely help us grow in our walk with god. Anyway, i spent like 5 hours writing 11 cards in total for the friends that will be in a different caregroups as me in the future. The presentation at Senoko Powers was for primary school students, about the stuffs we do at WWS. It was something like an excursion for these kids for them to learn more about the environment and our waters. In the evening, i went to Causeway Point to celebrate my friend's birthday. The celebration was very very belated, my friend's birthday was like slightly like than 2 weeks ago. We had dinner at Pastamania. We haven't met for a month, so we went about telling each other the stuffs we have been doing for the past month.
Thursday 15/01/09: In the morning, went for work. Then in the evening, watched the movie "Ip man" with Han Sen and Vincent, my Cat High track friend (graduated from CJC). We watched the 10pm movie and after that Han Sen sent both of us home with his mum's car. He got his car driving license like last October.
Friday 16/01/09: Morning, went for work. In the evening, had a church corporate prayer meet at Suntec City Convention Hall. Attendance was like 4000 plus, it really showed that my church has grown in strength. The influence of god in our lives is extremely great!
Saturday 17/01/09: In the morning, went to school for the VJC amazing race meeting. It will be held after orientation this year, for the new J1s classes. A lot of fun games have been put in place for them. Ah too bad we didn't have it in the past. Then, went to the BCA open house, mainly for people who want to take engineering degrees, like me. There was several booths there, BCA/URA/JTC/Keppel/etc. Most of them offered scholarships that i will certainly be interested in. Application opens middle of next month! In the afternoon, went for church service, the final one with this current VJC caregroup. After that, had dinner with my family and went back home. Slept at 9.30pm. I set my alarm clock at 11pm to watch the Man U match. Somehow i didn't hear it but managed to wake myself up at 12am. Watched the 2nd half and Berbatov scored at 89th min. Phew! Top of the table with another one nil victory haha.
Sunday 18/01/09: Met my VJC caregroup at Vivo City at 9.30am. It was our final gathering as a caregroup. We went to have a picnic at the roof top of Vivo City. Together, we recalled the experience we had together, how we helped each other grow in our spiritual life. Then we played arcade. After the gathering, i went Bishan Park to play field soccer with some random friends from Cat High. At night, went to Jun Wei's house to stay over because the next day, at 6.30am, we will have prayer walk at TJC. I wouldn't be able to make it there in time if i left from home the next day myself. We watched soocer at his house. But the match was so boring that i fell asleep.
Monday 19/01/09: My new pioneer caregroup went TJC for the prayer walk, reflected on what challenges we will face when we start our pioneering work. After that, went to S'pore Poly for work. We reviewed a game which they created for us. The game, called river rush, will help us gain interest from kids and educate them about the environment and our waters. I was quite impressed with the game, the graphics were great and the characters was quite cute. But they are still many things that have yet to be added to the game, so the final version will surely be a lot better. Lunch was at British Club. A country club that my WWS boss had a position in, he's one of the committee members there and everyone at the country club know him! Ate at a restaurant which looks quite expensive. The country club was not bad, located at Bukit Timah, it has a swimming pool, pool table, arcade, jackpot area and many other great facilities.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thursday 08/01/09: Work. I realised how blessed i am that i've a job. God's grace! Because of the economic recession, a lot of my friends are finding it difficult to get a job. Send out their resumes but no replies. Or the pay of the job is bad. It's great that i got a job so quickly, as early as last December, so i need not worry about being jobless and having no money to spend. After work, i borrowed my work place's bike and cycled to St Wilfred's Sports Complex to play soccer with my dad and his friends. They always played together for at least once per week. Played the mini field soccer. There were a lot of people. 4 teams of 6 in total. So we had to run for the ball with all our might when we play, so that we will not be kicked out so quickly and have to wait very long for our turn again. I realised that my fitness is gone, having not trained for a month. I felt very tired after sprinting for just a few minutes. But it was quite fun playing with my dad's friends. Quite competitive sia. It wasn't the first time i joined them though.
Friday 09/01/09: Work. I recommended one of my church friend, Kang Li from MJC, to work at WWS. Because she desperately needed a job. And since she's my sister in Christ and my future caregroup friend, i thought that it's right to serve God's child. Anyway for the Asian Water Symposium WWS is organising, the student committee head quited so they will definitely need help. After work, went for caregroup at Li Yin's house, my second last caregroup meeting with my current VJC caregroup people.
Saturday 10/01/09: Church. Then went to shop with Han Wei and his friends at Plaza Singapura. Bought some small gifts for my caregroup friends as farewell gifts. :)
Sunday 11/01/09: Went to shop again, for chinese new year clothings. Went to a G2K and topshop warehouse at a place called Wing Tai at Hougang with Han Wei. The range of clothings was extremely limited but i bought 2 working long sleeve shirts for 13 dollars each. Quite a bargain, because actual price was 33 dollars and even for the discount at J8, it's still 23 dollars! Used my ATM card to pay for all my clothes as well as Han Wei's ones, because he didn't have his ATM card yet. Bought a work belt (for future interview, otherwise i will end up using my red VJC belt again) and a long pants too. Bought a long pants and long sleeve t-shirt a few weeks ago too so yay finished chinese new year shopping.
Monday 12/01/09: Midnight till 2am, watched Man Utd vs Chelsea. Man Utd totally thrashed Chelsea 3-0, Vidic/Rooney/Berbatov. Classy display of a champion! Went to Spring Singapore at Bukit Merah to set up a booth for WWS. It was mainly to get to know people there. Because they are mainly people who are eager to start their own business and getting their partnership with WWS will probably get us some extra sponsorship or something. But for most of the day, 10am-3pm, there wasn't much people, so we just sat and talked and ate. Most of the time, the boss did the talking when there's businessmen coming along, so we just had to mend the booth.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The year so far

Thursday 01/01/09: Stay at home.
Friday 02/01/09: Work.
Saturday 03/01/09: WWS patrol duty, WWS meeting, Subra's birthday celebration at Fish and Co, Mahjong at Ben Tay's house (last gathering before their army enlistment haha).
Sunday 04/01/09: Stay at home.
Monday 05/01/09: Met my long-lost friend George. It has been a long time since i met him. 6 months to be exact. For a friend i know for 6 years haha! He will be enlisting Wednesday afternoon. So we had lunch together.
Tuesday 06/01/09: Went for DSTA interview. DSTA was at Science Park, Buona Vista so MRT fare was damn expensive, $1.33 adult fare! At the DSTA building, there was a policewomen at the entrance. Security tight man haha! Before the interview, i had to do an online quiz on the DSTA account they prepared for us. Then, it was the interview. It was not bad. The location of interview was very cosy. 3 sofas, 2 for the interviewers, 1 for me. They were quite very friendly. Asked me questions like why i'm interested in civil engineering, are you afraid that civil engineering is regarded as a low-class and rough job by some people, where do you get the interest of civil engineering from, what the biggest failure in my life so far, etc. Quite okay, just be myself, answered them honestly. :) Now i'll have to wait for them to call me for the final interview, which is after the results and after they interview the people who applied with their results. Then i went for my church unit meeting at Tampines, Changi rise condo. The meeting was for re-structuring. People graduating, guys leaving to army, people joining and people re-grouping to their school's caregroup. So the groups now are VJC+TJC, DHS, TPJC, Pioneering and Grads. I'm in the pioneering group, which will be going to TJC and MJC to revive their caregroup. The number of people in their caregroups has shrunk to none because they were made up of J2s last year who have now graduated. So we will be hoping to do something to help spread God's word in the school and allow the caregroups to grow. I did testimony sharing during the unit meeting. My first time doing so. Shared about my christian life with the rest of the people. It was a good experience.
Wednesday 07/01/09: Played psp for most of the day.