Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yay people, i'm finally back to my blog. After so many busy days, i finally find myself at home, free!
Tuesday 20/01/09: In the morning, i went to cmpb to try to rush those people into getting my army enlistment date done. But apparently, it has to be reviewed by more doctors and personnels. So it was not ready yet. Then, my dad dropped me at Bugis at around 8.30am. Work starts at 11am, so i had so much time to walk around. But all the shops are closed unfortunately. Around 10.30am, i start walking to my work place. I was at work from morning till night, 10pm. Because there was an AWS meeting in the evening. It was such a long and tiring day! Especially because i woke up as early as 7am.
Wednesday 21/01/09: In the afternoon, i went to Bugis with Cheng Wei after his school. Together with Joel, we plan to design shirt for James, our shepherd, for his army sending off gift. The shirt design was a guitar at the back, sheep in front with our names. In the evening, my pioneering caregroup went to MJC for prayer walk. After the prayer walk, we had a 2.4km run. It was tiring but surprisingly, i managed to complete it! Alright come on ah!
Thursday 22/01/09: Went for work. Then in the evening, went to Bugis again, shop with Han Wei because he wanted to buy cny clothings. Collected the shirt i designed for James too.
Friday 23/01/09: Went for work.
Saturday 24/01/09: Went to WWS in the morning for in-line skate. We went to tour the usual patrol route, so that in the future, we may even introduce patrol duties on skates. I got a bruises on my little finger on my right hand because i wanted to avoid hitting my fellow patrol friends but slammed into the wall instead. Ouch. Then in the afternoon, it was church before we had caregroup in the evening. Gave James his army gift haha. Talked about how to plant seeds in school, taught us the ability to reach out to people and touch their hearts. We were also split into our individual caregroups, TJC and MJC.
Sunday 25/01/09: At home. Then in the evening, went for reunion dinner at a restaurant at Robertson Quay. I usually pass by the place whenever i go for patrol duties. Haha. The dinner was with my dad's friend's family. Years ago, i used to play with the son a lot. But it has been a long time since we met. Still we could get along well. He is taking his O levels this year incidentally. After dinner, we walked to Chinatown, which is so packed!
Monday 26/01/09: Went visiting. Quite boring because my cousins don't talk to one another much. So i entertained myself with my psp.
Tuesday 27/01/09: My class went visiting at Megan's house. Me, Subra, Nazri, Anil, Matt Foo and Michelle. Then we had nothing to do, so we went Suntec City. Walked about, then Matt Foo got us some Muffins from Kenny Rogers, his work place. Then we walked Nick to his work place, One Fullerton. In the evening, went visiting with my family to one of my dad's friend's house. I was playing my psp when some kids started climbing onto me. I didn't care, just continued playing because the game was at the intense part. Playing Virtual Tennis 3 haha.
Wednesday 28/01/09: I was starting to get ill, sore throat/cough/flu. In the morning, i went to send off Matt Foo at 9am at Pasir Ris for army. Then James at 12 noon, then Chen Xiao at 1pm (happened to meet him so might as well send him off too). I got 2 red parkets which i didn't expect to get, one from James' parents, the other from Chen Xiao's parents. Then, my pioneer caregroup went to play arcade and then Nebo/E!Hub to play board game. The game "Gift Exchange" was fun, tested our understanding of each other, whereby we have to try to give the right gift to people. Then, we went for caregroup at Li Yin's house in the evening. I had to leave early because i was too sick, shivering with cold. Had a good rest that night, slept from 9.30am to 9am the next day.
Thursday 29/01/09: I managed to pull myself out of bed to go for work at NTU Green Fair. Met my sister, who was having her lecture right opposite the green fair at a lecture theatre. Met Subra too, who was working there, but apparently his work place was closed that day for cny. So it was a wasted trip for him. After the fair, we went to my chairman's country club, the British Country Club to play snooker. Me, Shiang Nee and Kang Li. Then in the evening, we went for WWS CNY reunion dinner at Centrepoint, Teochew Seafood Restaurant. The food was not bad, we made a terrible mess when we mixed the Yu Sheng.
Friday 30/01/09: Went for the NTU Green Fair again. It was boring because there were very little students. My sister said that NTU students will try to push their lesson schedule to Monday to Thursday so that we will have a 3-day break every week.
Saturday 31/01/09: In the morning, there was an Outdoor Rumble meeting in school. Then there was a pioneer meet at noon at Long John Centrepoint. Then church service. In the evening, we had district dinner/steamboat at Novena, first time a church outing is so close to home. Haha normally will be in the eastern part of Singapore. The food was so-so. The performances from different people (ULs/CLs/etc) was very entertaining.
Sunday 01/02/09: At home, reading up for my BTT. Lol. In the evening, went to Marina Barrage to celebrate my sister's birthday. Early birthday celebration. We had steamboat, my second steamboat in 2 days. But this one was much nicer. Yum yum!
Monday 02/02/09: Visited DHS in the morning for work because WWS wanted to confirm the locations of different activities for the AWS. Met a lot of Hope Church friends at DHS. Cheryl, Qiya, Karen, Yi Ping, Gena, Tze Lin, Gary, Joel, Rui Xian, Jocelyn and even friends from the first service. Then went for my BTT, passed it. After that, went to TJC for pioneering. Did surveys on people to get to know them. It was difficult for me because i don't usually like to approach strangers.
Tuesday 03/02/09: Went to work.
Wednesday 04/02/09: Went for work.
Thursday 05/02/09: Went for work. But the school programme had to be postponed because it was pouring. In the evening, went for pioneer caregroup prayer meet. The TJC caregroup had to do the teaching. It was tough and i felt awkward leading people to pray.
Friday 06/02/09: Went for work. Found a chopper apparently at the beach. Shocking! At night, went to VJC mass dance at Suntec City with my church friends. A lot other J3s were there too. Apparenty, there was a robber who ran off with a bag in the middle of the mass dance. By the time the trackers realised it, the robber was gone. Otherwise they will have caught him.
Saturday 07/02/09: Went for a final Outdoor Rumble meeting in school to finalise all the details/logistics and stuffs. Then, church service in the afternoon.
Sunday 08/02/09: Read newspaper at home. It has been weeks since i last updated myself haha. Late afternoon, i went for a gym workout with Han Wei. He said that he was getting fat, so he desperately needed a workout. Another thing, my sister will be going to Canada soon, part of her school program, going overseas to study. Random stuff: I just can't figure out how people can spend so much money on keyboards/controls/etc just for gaming purposes. Waste money lol. Maybe because i don't like gaming.
Monday 09/02/09: It was VJC Outdoor Rumble for J1s. It was like an Amazing Race, for J1 classes to bond together. So fortunate man, the new J1 batch, so many fun stuffs. The race was held from Marina Crescent to Siglap to ECP to Kembangan. I was a game master near ECP macs. The weather was so terribly hot. I got some burns at the end of the day. Nevertheless, it was a great experience. All the games were well-planned and executed and i'm sure the J1s enjoyed it. After the thing, i met Joel and Cheng Wei in school. Had a peer-sheep session, shared about our life these days without our shepherd by our side. After that, i went for training, just for fun. It has been a long time since i last jumped intp the sand pit. Heheh.
Tuesday 10/02/09: Went for work at Shell Fair. God, the sun is killing me! Then in the afternoon, we were back to WWS for the school program. I was exhausted and feeling terrible for the entire day because the sun was burning. Random stuff: Terrorists communicate through gmail, save their messages for each other under drafts, so that their conversations will not be detected. From my sister.

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