Monday, June 30, 2008

My last training

Today will always be a memorable day. This year will be my final inter-school track and field championship. As my long jump event is on Thursday, i had my last training session today. So did Phy and Jeo. We felt particularly sad as we have trained routinely for the past 6 years and couldn't bear to "leave". We had trained very hard since we joined track in our respective schools in secondary one. We really hope that our hard work will be rewarded handsomely in our final year. We did our last drills, last jumps, last sprints and last gym session. We cherished every minutes of the training session and ended training at 7.45pm. The final training session had an atmosphere which was similar to that of a competition. I managed to jump around 6.20m which was a respectable distance in a training.
I really hope that i will reach my target of 6.50m in this year's competition. Honestly, i will sacrifice my CT2 results if i can do well in nationals this year. I hope. I really hope for the best. I will like to reward my coach Miss Yu for the hard work she put in me too. She has been my one and only jumps coach. Today, i made her sign on my water bottle so that she will bring me luck in my long jump competition on Thursday.

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