Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Prelims is finally over

Alright! My prelims finally ended yesterday. Maths H3 was the very last exam of this Prelims so i was the last dude to be able to say, "Prelims is over!" The maths H3 paper was quite ok. I didn't really spend much time revising for it, just reading through the notes and looking at the examples to familiarise myself with the methods to solve the questions. There were 4 topics to study. 1 compulsory - 4 questions (40 marks), other 3 topics - 2 questions each, choose 4 questions to do (56 marks), 4 marks for presentation of answers. I took a gamble, studied 2 out of the 3 non-compulsory topics, meaning that i will not have any choice of which questions to do for the 2nd part of the paper. Nevertheless, i thought that it will be possible to scrap a distinction for the paper, but a merit has a higher probability, according to bijection principle. Haha just joking.

After the maths H3 paper, i was liberated, freed from studying, but only temporarily. I immediately took a bus home, so that i can watch the 7pm channel 8 show, last episode haha. I was so exhausted on the way back home, maybe because of the mind-straining maths H3 exam. Around 8pm, after the show, i went to my classmate Ashley's house. Several other classmates were already there by the time i reached. Around 15 of us went. We had a Jumbo restaurant supper. Ashley's parents brought the leftover crabs back from their restaurant. They were delicious. Then some of us played mahjong, others played cards, others played Xbox. For some of my classmates, it was their first day learning how to play mahjong. They thought that it was actually very fun and got addicted. Mahjong had an element of stress, as it required them to use their mind constantly. I was the only one who played 6 straight hours of mahjong, from 11pm to 5am. The others got tired eventually and slept. Then at 5am, i stopped playing mahjong as everyone else went to sleep and i tried something new, Halo 3 on Xbox. The 5 dudes who were still awake, me, Justin, Beneb, Wee Leong and Nick. To be honest, i suck at the game Halo 3. Constantly getting killed by them from behind without even knowing. In the end, the race to 25 kills game saw the result: Ben 25, Justin 8, Nick 7, Me 0. I was never a fan of such killing game, so i wasn't really surprising. Then we went to sleep at 530am till 1030am. It was a fun time at Ashley's house, a good post-prelim celebration for me, only finishing prelims the previous day.

Throughout this entire Prelims, i was blessed by God. Usually, I will study according to my study plan. If I fails to stick to it, I will feel stressed up and will not be able to do things effectively. This time, I was at times behind my study plan, mainly because I had to spend time to worship God. Nevertheless, it was time worth spending. Despite being behind my study plan, I will pray to God for help, ask him for confidence and the power to concentrate throughout. It really helped because at the end of the day, I will be able to finish studying.

This prelims was a brand new experience for me, coming to know God in a period which requires lots of mental strength. These friends constantly reminded me that even as we faced obstacles and problems, treat these tests like pure joy. Church service 13/09/2008, James 1:2-6 Exams are just a test of perseverance from God. Request for God's wisdom and he will bring you through them with confidence. He is like a guy standing in front of you during your exam and showing you the answer sheet. He gives you the assurance of your ability, so that we can make full use of the knowledge we have learned to answer the questions in the exams.
Next, I am thankful to all my caregroup friends too, for their constant support in this Prelims, sending sms to give me the assurance that god will always be by my side throughout this mentally-exhausting period. Thanks to Li Yin, Chia Ling and Rochelle for taking time off to pray for me before my Maths H3 exam, at a time when they should be enjoying their time somewhere else. "Thanks for coming!"

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