Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's being a long time since i wrote a blog. Between this period, i've been really busy studying for Prelims. I've also devoted myself to be a christian now. Going church every Saturday afternoon. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Being a christian really changed me. I learned about the sins human beings commit. Disrespect to parents, theft, lying, scolding vulgarities, lust, anger, etc. These sins will send us to hell and god spared us from hell by dying on a cross. Before joining Christ, i thought that i was perfect. Now i know that i am actually guilty of some sins. Disrespect to parents is one. Sometimes i will tend to ignore my parents when they keep bugging me to study. I'm also a very unthankful person. My dad fetches me to school everyday, my mum takes care of me when i'm sick. Yet i never had the habit to say thank you, even to my friends. I'm a forgettful person too. Tend to forget the care and concern by others. Even friends around me, i may forget them if i do not stay in contact. Like my Primary 6 monitor, i forgot who is he when my friends mentioned to me in Secondary 2. Just 2 years, i will forget people, how fast! This is a bad habit that i need to correct. Having known all these sins i commit, i should not just leave it as it is. I should try to repent to god, tell him that i have done wrong, then god will help you overcome your sins and temptations. Besides that, i can pray to god to ask him for help in several things. Tell him what i want and with his power, he can slowly ease me to success one day.
GP was over on Monday. Quite ok, i wrote the essay on environment, people who support environmental causes being hypocrites. Gave an example about my WWS volunteer thing, which i went for bike and boat patrol. :) The comprehension was about gambling. Hopefully, both the comprehension and the essay will go well and i'll get a good grade.
Less than 2 weeks to the rest of the subjects, i pray that i will have all the strength and concentration needed to study and sit through Prelims. Pray that everyone will do well for Prelims! God bless..

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