Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The year so far

Thursday 01/01/09: Stay at home.
Friday 02/01/09: Work.
Saturday 03/01/09: WWS patrol duty, WWS meeting, Subra's birthday celebration at Fish and Co, Mahjong at Ben Tay's house (last gathering before their army enlistment haha).
Sunday 04/01/09: Stay at home.
Monday 05/01/09: Met my long-lost friend George. It has been a long time since i met him. 6 months to be exact. For a friend i know for 6 years haha! He will be enlisting Wednesday afternoon. So we had lunch together.
Tuesday 06/01/09: Went for DSTA interview. DSTA was at Science Park, Buona Vista so MRT fare was damn expensive, $1.33 adult fare! At the DSTA building, there was a policewomen at the entrance. Security tight man haha! Before the interview, i had to do an online quiz on the DSTA account they prepared for us. Then, it was the interview. It was not bad. The location of interview was very cosy. 3 sofas, 2 for the interviewers, 1 for me. They were quite very friendly. Asked me questions like why i'm interested in civil engineering, are you afraid that civil engineering is regarded as a low-class and rough job by some people, where do you get the interest of civil engineering from, what the biggest failure in my life so far, etc. Quite okay, just be myself, answered them honestly. :) Now i'll have to wait for them to call me for the final interview, which is after the results and after they interview the people who applied with their results. Then i went for my church unit meeting at Tampines, Changi rise condo. The meeting was for re-structuring. People graduating, guys leaving to army, people joining and people re-grouping to their school's caregroup. So the groups now are VJC+TJC, DHS, TPJC, Pioneering and Grads. I'm in the pioneering group, which will be going to TJC and MJC to revive their caregroup. The number of people in their caregroups has shrunk to none because they were made up of J2s last year who have now graduated. So we will be hoping to do something to help spread God's word in the school and allow the caregroups to grow. I did testimony sharing during the unit meeting. My first time doing so. Shared about my christian life with the rest of the people. It was a good experience.
Wednesday 07/01/09: Played psp for most of the day.

1 comment:

noonuirbouda said...

Hi! I am so glad that I can leave a message with you so sorta this is a conversation made possible:) I chanced upon your blog, sorry I meant no harm, when I was searching for the DSTA scholarship, and I read your post which said that you already went for the interview. I am very happy for you and at the same time, I could not help doubt whether I am denied a chance for interviews. I wish that the reviewing sessions are still going on. But all the best to you!!