Sunday, July 27, 2008

Serious studies starting soon

Yesterday was Speech Day. It was boring. So many people didn't turn up and it was a bit of a waste of time. After the event, i went dinner with my family at a seafood restaurant near Yishun stadium. It was a "farewell dinner" for my sister before she enters her university next week. We spent $139, ate a chilli crab, sambal sotong, fish in claypot and pork ribs. It was so delicious! At night, i went Yong Cheng's house to stay over, together with some of my secondary 4 classmates too. Benjamin, Han Wei, Jing Ren and Zhen Yang. We played card games and watch some movies including Jumper.

In the morning, i went for GP tuition at Orchard Plaza at 9am before returning to Yong Cheng's house. On the way, i packaged lunch for all of them. After lunch, we played a few games of mahjong. Then, Yong Cheng, Benjamin, Jing Ren and Zhen Yang went to the condominium's swimming pool to swim while Han Wei and I brought homework to do. I did some part of the Complex Numbers 4 tutorial. After their swim, we went back to the house and finally started to study. The plan was actually to play and spare some time to study. But in the end, only a small portion of time was used to study. Nevertheless, i spent some time studying Economics too. I read the essay plans which my sister gave me. Not bad but i will start serious, really serious revision tomorrow. I had promised myself. Alright come on ah!

Here's my serious study plan
Reading notes/past-year papers:
28/07 - Economics: Central Problem, Demand/Supply, Elasticity
29/07 - Economics: Applications, Theory of Production and Cost
30/07 - Economics: Market Structure
31/07 - Economics: Market Structure
01/08 - Economics: Market Structure, EOS/Size of Firms, Cost Benefit Analysis
02/08 - Buffer
03/08 - Economics: Market Failure, Income Inequality, Government Failure
04/08 - Chemistry: Chemical Bonding, Periodic Table, Group 2 Metals, Group 7 Elements, Transition Metals
05/08 - Chemistry: Atomic Structure, Atoms/Molecules/Stoichiometry, Gaseous State, Redox Titration, Chemical Equilibrium, Thermochemistry, Chemical Energetics
06/08 - Economics: International Trade, Introduction to Macroeconomics, National Income Accounting
07/08 - Economics: Economic Growth, Recessions/Booms, Money
08/08 - Economics: Inflation/Deflation, Unemployment, BOP/Foreign Exchange
09/08 - Physics: Measurement Techniques, Physical Quantity, Kinematics, Forces, Dynamics, Work/Energy/Power, Thermal Physics, Ideal Gases, Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Wave Motion, Superposition
10/08 - Economics: Macroeconomics Policies, Exchange Rate Policy, Conflicting Goals
11/08 - Chemistry: Ionic Equilibrium 1 & 2, Electrochemistry 1 & 2, Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Alkanes, Alkenes
12/08 - Chemistry: Arenes, Halogen Deriatives, Hydroxy Compounds, Carbonyl Compounds, Carboxylic Acids and Deriatives, Organic Nitrogen Compounds
13/08 - Physics: Circular Motion, Gravitational Field, Electric Field, Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current
14/08 - Physics: Current Electricity, DC Circuits, Quantum Physics 1-3, Lasers/Semiconductors
15/08 - Physics: Nuclear Physics, Radioactivity, Data Analysis
16/08 - Maths
17/08 - Maths
18/08 - Buffer
19/08 - Buffer
20/08 - Buffer

Memorising details:
21/08 - Physics: Measurement Techniques, Physical Quantity, Kinematics, Forces, Dynamics, Work/Energy/Power, Thermal Physics, Ideal Gases, Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Wave Motion, Superposition
22/08 - Physics: Circular Motion, Gravitational Field, Electric Field, Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current
23/08 - Chemistry: Atomic Structure, Atoms/Molecules/Stoichiometry, Gaseous State, Redox Titration, Chemical Equilibrium, Thermochemistry, Chemical Energetics
24/08 - GP Revision
25/08 - Chemistry: Chemical Bonding, Periodic Table, Group 2 Metals, Group 7 Elements, Transition Metals
26/08 - Economics: Central Problem, Demand/Supply, Elasticity, Applications, Theory of Production and Cost
27/08 - Economics: Market Structure, EOS/Size of Firms
28/08 - Economics: Market Failure, Cost Benefit Analysis
29/08 - Physics: Current Electricity, DC Circuits, Quantum Physics 1-3, Lasers/Semiconductors
30/08 - Chemistry: Ionic Equilibrium 1 & 2, Electrochemistry 1 & 2, Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Alkanes, Alkenes
31/08 - Chemistry: Arenes, Halogen Deriatives, Hydroxy Compounds, Carbonyl Compounds, Carboxylic Acids and Deriatives, Organic Nitrogen Compounds
01/09 - Economics: Income Inequality, Government Failure
02/09 - Economics: International Trade, Introduction to Macroeconomics, National Income Accounting, Economic Growth
03/09 - Economics: Recessions/Booms, Money, Inflation/Deflation
04/09 - Economics: Unemployment, BOP/Foreign Exchange, Macroeconomics Policies
05/09 - Economics: Exchange Rate Policy, Conflicting Goals
06/09 - Physics: Nuclear Physics, Radioactivity, Data Analysis

Anyway, my impression of someone has changed terribly. This friend of mine won an award for a good cause. But i heard from my other friend that she actually asked her classmates to vote for her so that she will win the award and it will appear good in her testimonial. If what my friend said is true, she will definitely lose my respect. I mean, if you wish to do something nice, it should really come from your heart. Don't be driven just because of the achievement you will get, especially when it concerns a human life like adopting a kid. I'm not saying that everyone is perfect and has excellent moral values. But i strongly loathe such scheming behaviour and believe that this is a crime. I will never commit such a sin.

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