Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A new life journey begins

Heroes Camp: Saturday 13/12 to Tuesday 16/12
Normally a camp is remembered well if the games and activities are enjoyable. But this church camp, my first ever, will be memorable for its ability to touch my heart. Not that the games were not fun, but the emphasis of the camp was more to help campers grow in their Christain life. From this camp, i got to learn several important lessons regarding life.
My camp objectives are to experience God full-time, be more to know new people and guide people to know God. Now that the camp has ended, i can say that these objectives are more or less attained. A new life journey shall begin, one which is more meaningful and fulfilling.
In this camp, we had games, activities and worship. The games involved less group-to-group competition and emphasize more on the people cooperating together to serve people and God. There was an event called Minilution. People had to dress like a kid. There was also a workshop to tell us about our spiritual gifts from God. The name of this church camp is Heroes Camp as there were altogether 5 teachings about 5 different heroes who God has chosen to serve the people. Moses (Obedience), David (Loyalty), Abrahim (Faith), Esther (Courage) and Paul (Ambition). They have really taught me a lot.
We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. Everyday we flip through the newspaper and see reports on murder, robbery, arsenal, etc. People are not perfect. They are guilty of many sins and lack in several abilities. Nevertheless, God uses us and fulfill our dreams. We rely on God and put trust in him because he will guide us on the way to success. Even though every one of us lacks in certain ability, God continues to encourage us to serve people, in doing things that will show love to the rest. God is a great motivation in our lives because he will be the cheerleader, supporting us when we feel incapable. We must keep in mind that we cannot be as perfect as God and we are the sheep in this world, seeking to learn and improve oneself as much as possible. To do so, we need to constantly seek help from God and also ask him for advices to improve ourselves. It is very difficult for us to tell if we do something wrong or not, so we will need a shepherd to guide us along the way, someone who is also not perfect but given the honour by God to love people. I shall no longer just remain in my comfort zone but venture out of it. Do something that i am not suited of doing, so that i will learn to rely on God for aid. The fact is that no one in this world is perfectly suited for any tasks but the honour has been presented to us by our holy God. So maybe i can be a shepherd one day. And for the pioneering that Jasmine mentioned, i could try too, if my schedule allows me.
But being a shepherd will not be easy. You will have to love your sheep, give him all your best, visit him when he's ill, be sad if he commit a sin, be happy when you see him grow, etc. From the camp, i realise that i have never loved anyone before in my life. I have always failed to give my all to any person because i'm gulity of been too selfish at times. I have the tendency to care more for myself and not for others. To love someone, it really takes a lot of courage and commitment. I must give and examples how i can give are to teach a friend or to buy a gift for a friend to encourage his or her spiritual life. Sacrifice till it hurts. This camp told me that i have not been committed to love a person before. Perhaps i'm not ready yet but there is never a perfect time. So what i have to do is to improve my spiritual life, look to God. He will give me the opportunity one day and i must not reject it. I must believe that i'm capable of doing it and God will guide me along the way.
I have a simple faith in God. During obstacles and difficulties, I will definitely seek help from God because he serve people so well. God is so great as to send his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our numerous sins to redeem us. It is so hurting to see a loved one been killed or commit a sin. When i see a friend doing something wrong, i will have the urge to help him or her. We must submit to God's will. Life definitely exists plenty of room for improvement. Put faith in God to grow in our spiritual life. Even when life is simple and slack, do not forget God's love. I admit that when there's no difficulties like studies to drive me, i tend to stray away from God. So i'll promise to give him more of my time, set my daily quiet time at 10.30pm.
I learnt about the different spiritual gifts by God to people. For me, it's the gift of craftmanship, adminstation and help/serving. True, i can help people like in studies. I believe that i should commit myself to make use of these gifts to serve people, encourage people to build up their lives spiritually and open up to people to talk and explain to them about how God loves us so much. It is very difficult to love someone unless you are emotionally attached. God brings Christains together as a whole family, attaching us so that we can develop ourselves too, to be more selfless to each other.
This camp has helped me grow. I learn that sometimes i am too prideful of my own ability. For example when playing games, i will tend to chiong and neglect the rest because i think that i am more fit than the rest. I will ignore other people's contribution in the process. God taught me to slow down and give thought to others. Be willing to give them their equal share of responsibility.
Moses/Humility. God know us inside out, our sins. We must admit our wrongs, repent and do something right. God is great. He blesses us to overcome these problems. We must acknowledge this and be willing to give him all. Rely on God so that we will be somebody.
David/Loyalty. We must stay committed to care for the people, encourage people to know him and submit to God authority. We cannot be too self-centred and selfish. Be loyal in our love for people around us. Be loyal in worshipping God, offer him more time. Be loyal in sharing God's love. Be loyal in admitting our mistakes without bitterness and hatred.
Faith/Abrahim and Courage/Esther. At certain time in our lives, we will be given opportunities to lead e.g cca/church. We must be willing to take on these roles and trust that God will pull you through. There will be difficulties along the way but have faith. Believe that you have the ability to do the job. We are not perfect but God chooses us because he loves us and believes in us. So give your best and trust youself and God.
I will keep the promise to grow.

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