Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WWS work was slack yesterday. Morning, woke up late, play a bit of psp fifa street 2, afternoon at 1pm went for work. We did some post-camp packing up. Then we had nothing else to do because it was school holidays and there's no preparation for any other school programmes. So the leader Eugene told us to build a raft to compete for the annual raft competition. He challenged us to build it entirely out of Newater bottles, so PUB will be happy. The rest of the day, i had nothing more to do. At night, i finished my fifa street game.
Today, i was making some cookies in the morning to bring to camp for my leaders. Hopefully James won't read my blog before he goes to camp. Keep it as a surprise. Watched Seconds from Disaster, about an explosion in Puerto Rico. Played a new game on psp. Then at night, went out with friend for dinner, then arcade and then went friend's house for mahjong and bridge for an hour or so.
Genesis 22:2 Letting go of what you love. Life is full of obstacles. You will have to let go of things to build yourself up. Do not get troubled by present woes but look more to the future. For example, if a friendship will be jeopardized by a certain decision, let it go. In this way, the friendship will not only remain but will be strengthened too.
Finally, i pray for my sister and mum. I pray that my sister will recover from her rashes, she has been so irritated by it these few days. And my mum will have to undergo an operation this Saturday. I'll be at church camp from Saturday to Tuesday so i won't be there for her. Hope God's presence will bless her though. It's not a major operation but she will have to rest at home for the next whole week. Then i must do house work next week. Ah the thought of it makes me feel lazy. Haha still i've to help out more or less. :)

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