Monday, December 1, 2008

A new month begins

A recap of what i've done for the past week: Sun 23/11 to Sun 30/11
At the start of the week, i was bored. Dunno what to do. I was at home, playing psp for the entire day. I thought i must do something else other than just staying at home and playing psp. And be a couch potato. I must plan something to do. But at the end of the week, i wanted so much to have some time at home to rest.
Here's how the week went.
Monday morning, i continued to play psp. Afternoon, went out to celebrate Han Wei birthday, belated. Also watched the movie, "Body of lies". The movie was so-so. Didn't really get to enjoy the movie much. Because i was preoccupied with holding my bladder right from the start. Imagine holding it for 2 plus hours. OMG. Also, the movie ended somewhat abruptly, like a lack of meaning in the end. So life was still very slack.
Tuesday morning went airport to send Tifen and Li Lin (church dudes) off to Bali. Afternoon, went to WWS for a short briefing. Got my first pay, 20 bucks for 3 hours of work, mostly taken up by the briefing by leader Eugene which lasted 2 hours and did a bit of washing of containers too. After that, went Bras Basah to sell some books, totally worthless trip, got 2 bucks for 4 books. Had a bus concession card and plenty of time, so i wouldn't mind wasting the trip.
Wednesday morning, i went for my first training in 3-4 months. Did some staircase drills and then gyms. Subsequently, my calf muscles were pulling for the rest of the week. It was really horrible walking around with the pain. I was walking much slower than my usual quick speed of walking. Afternoon i went to church for Word for Life session, which taught people how to live a better life as a Christian. It was quite useful, had some fun during the session, thank god. Night, i went to buy a long pant for SDD and a birthday present for Ashley. Things were starting to get busy.
Thursday morning, went Yin Ling's house, all the way at Tampines for caregroup. We actually had to meet at 930am but i woke up at 845am. Quickly went to bathe, left home at 9am and managed to reach at the same time as some of my church friends at her house. What a wonderful comeback in this Amazing Race! Thank god. Afternoon, we went to church together for harvestor. We were then sent out onto the streets in town to do a Christmas survey on people. It was a good experience doing something meaningful for god. I had to leave early though, to be back home. Night time, i went back to town again, this time Dhoby Ghaut to meet up with my secondary 4 classmates from Catholic High. Really nice to meet up after such a long time, even though most of the people who turned up also studied in VJC. After that, went Ben Tay's house for a short while to download some games for my psp. Yay finally some new games to play, all my games are old fashion and i'm too lazy to download new ones myself. Touched home at midnight.
Friday morning, went to training again but it was kind of a waste of time. My calf muscles were pulling so i couldn't do much runs or jumps. Played some soccer though, quite lazy, didn't run much. Had late lunch with the trackers, went back home and prepared a short powerpoint presentation for YEE networking session the next day (not preparing to present to them but just in case they ask for it). Then, went Bugis to meet mum and sis for dinner before making another trip to airport to send Yin Ling off, on a trip to Australia to play basketball, represent Singapore. Touched home around midnight again. My legs were totally burned out.
Saturday morning, i went for the YEE networking session at Science Centre as early as 9am, with Shiang Nee and Tricia. Kind of slack because we spent the entire time listening to people's interesting presentations. About an online billing system (to save on papers for phone bills), electronic recycling, eating meatless meals and green buildings. Friends who are reading my blog, i encourage you to change your phone billing system to an online one, to save papers. :) Singtel and M1 offers this system but not Starhub. After the sharing session, i immediately rushed to town for church. Service was great. It taught us to try our best to forgive people even though they have done wrong to you because God has again and again forgiven our numerous sins. Excellent! After that, there was a ministry thing, something like CCA walk-about. I signed up for usher, "Hi welcome", "Thanks for coming". At night, went out with family. We went to an electronic store, bought a radio and a camera.
Finally Sunday. I was so tired but had a patrol duty at WWS with Kenji and Shiang Nee at 11am. Thank god it rained! :p We couldn't go for the boat or bike patrol in the end. I was also too exhausted to do so. Afternoon, i just slack at home, something i didn't plan to do at the start of the week, i was doing it again! At night, i went to Paradix, Singapore Pool, to watch soccer with my class. Man U versus Man City. Man U won one nil, Wayne Rooney! An entertaining match and drama at the start of the match because we had to find ways to sneak into the place. Because slippers were prohibited in the area, apparently. Touched home around midnight. Met a drunkard in the mrt and another on a bus on the way home. The first one sounded quite crazy, claiming that he was very stressed. Someone tried to talk to him, what a brave soul! The second one kept yawning so loudly.
Okay, so a new month begins. One thing for certain, i will be busy. Today, i went to church for another Word for life session. Tomorrow will be SDD. Wednesday morning WWS meeting, afternoon Word for life, night shepherding by James. And a WWS camp coming soon. Schedule packed. I definitely will not be slacking!

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