Monday, December 8, 2008

Week Review

It has been a week of fun and emotions. :)
A recap of what i've done for the past week: Tuesday 02/12 to Sunday 08/12
Tuesday, played psp for the whole afternoon. Fifa Street 2. Then went to SDD. Most of the girls looked so different because of make-up. The guys looked the same. The food sucks. The MC had all his sick jokes esp during the Q&A for the prom kings and queens. Prom king was Nazri! Prom queen Isabelle. Took a lot of photos with my friends during SDD.
Wednesday. After SDD, most of my class went to Ashley's house. Played "Beijing Olympics" on the Xbox. Then, played mahjong. I didn't sleep at all and had to leave Ashley's house early to go for work at WWS. I had thought that it will only be a meeting. On the way to WWS, the bus was crowded so i had to stand on the bus. But somehow i managed to fall asleep at times, my knee knocking onto the side of the bus. Lol. When i reached the place, there were many other people too. I assumed that i had to attend the meeting with them so i sat round the table with them. When the people-in-charge came out and make a head count, she was surprised that there were more people than listed. She called out the names and didn't mention mine. Then she laughed and said, "Oh you our member, you should be inside." At the office, i had to read through the details of the camp that they will be organising over the next few days. I had to skip the word for life session at church that day because they wanted me to stay over to help clean up the place. The place was so dusty. When we swept the place, dust was blowing out as though the place was on fire! Together with the facilitators, we attended a few more briefings. I really had trouble keeping myself awake, nodding off at times. After work, i met James near church for shepherding. He gave me a pre-camp devotion guide and asked me to set myself camp objectives. They are to experience god full-time, be more open to people and ask god to teach me how to guide people to him.
Thursday morning, went to unit caregroup at Mount Faber. I had decided the previous day to skip work on Thursday morning because i was too tired. But i wanted to spring a surprise to my friends so i didn't tell them that i was going. In the end, i was late because meeting time was made earlier. We had a mini Amazing Race but the main aim of it was to bond our unit together and get to know new friends. The games involved a lot of running. Didn't feel as tired as the rest because i was the only tracker aside Li Yin. My team Anzio was Team Number One. Yay! Had a mini picnic together, ate bread with tuna/ham/cheese/etc, before it started to rain and we had to run down the mountain. Thank god i didn't fall because i was running with slippers and nearly couldn't brake. Phew! Had lunch at Vivo City then went WWS to report for work. At WWS, the camp was already on-going but some of the activities such as bike patrol had to be cancelled because of the rain.
Friday, i spent the whole day working at WWS. It was quite slack in the morning because the secondary school students were left to do their own stuffs and they didn't need much help from members like me. They were building sand castles so i took a bike to cycle around for fun. There's a pool table at the work place so free pool! Played pool and some card games with Shiang Nee. Late afternoon, it was the event of the camp. Raft building. The students had to build rafts using wooden planks, PVC pipe, containers and strings. Then, they had to race a short distance along the sea. It was quite fun. Some of the rafts worked while others shattered before they started racing. Kenji came in the evening after his internship at MOE. After the raft competition, it was back to slacking. Shiang Nee left early because she was sick. Got drenched by rain the previous day. Kenji and I played 8 games of pool before we left. I was on form for pool man! Play 2 games with Shiang Nee, won both. Played 8 games with Kenji, won the first 7 games. 9-1.
Saturday morning, went to WWS again. It was time to break camp. We had to clean up and after that, reflect on the events of the camp. It was actually quite smooth flowing except for the rain. The students were also quite obedient, something that is seldom these days. In my previous camp, Under No Roof, i had a terrible time handling the participants. The participants were JC1 students from different JCs who came from the same secondary school class, one of them Joel, my church friend now. He was the more obedient one while the rest of his friends didn't bother doing reflections on the camp. At this WWS camp, i was surprised when one of the students came to me with his diary and asked me, "In one word, how will i describe my role in WWS?" I told him member. After that, went for church service. Before service, had something like a usher interview with the rest of usher-wannabes, actually just a sharing session on why i wanted to be an usher for my church lol.
Sunday afternoon, taught Rochelle some maths. She had to take R-paper when school starts. Went to play mahjong at Ben Tay's house after that.

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