Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thursday 18/12 to Sunday 21/12
Thursday morning went to Li Yin's house for caregroup meeting. Afternoon, went for work. The boss wanted 2 rafts. The first one made of PVC pipes, used as a WWS exhibit. Already completed on Tuesday. The second one is made of Newater bottles and cable ties. All scrap materials. It is to take part in the Singapore Polytechnic raft competition. We didn't have enough cable ties, so Kenji and I went out on bikes to buy them. It actually took a lot of work to tie up the bottles together. Quite painful and tiring to pull them together. At night, started making Christmas cards for my caregroup. Haha making use of my gift of craftsmanship from God.
Friday. Reported for work at noon. Then we took a boat to Singapore River to have lunch at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant. Wow cool to the max! We parked the boats by the river and then went for lunch, most of us under-dressed with our WWS t-shirts and shorts. When we were back, we did a bit of work at the jetty then continued making our Newater raft. Then i had to leave early from work because i had to meet the unit committee for the Christmas party on Christmas eve at Chia Ling's place. I'm the logistic head together with Jun Wei, with Joel Yee and Jie Zhi to help us out. We have to buy trash bags, candles, utensils, cups and sparkling juice for the unit Christmas party. At night, we had church service. Unfortunately, we didn't catch the choir performance we expected because the pastor forgot about it.
Saturday morning to afternoon, i went to Sentosa for a church unit outing. We were supposed to meet at 9am and only 6 guys turned up. Me, James, Melvin Tay, Melvin Tan, Joel Yee and Jun Wei. We took the monorail and then the bus to Tanjong Beach. Played some beach volleyball and soccer. I had a short sun-tanning session haha. Without sun block, asking for it! Then we went for a swim near the beach shore. We didn't really dare to swim far because most of us were not great swimmers. Around noon, 3 more ppl came. At 2pm, around 10 more came. Melvin and I left Sentosa early to shop at Vivo City for Christmas presents for our caregroup members. We were so tired and burnt. We walk all around Vivo City, stuck to our budget of at most 10 dollars per person and i spent around 90 dollars for 10 people during that period, 4.15-6.45pm. At night, after having dinner with my family, continued to shop and bought 2 presents for around 20 bucks. Went home and continued to write the Christmas cards for my caregroup.
Today. After brunch out with my family, i started baking cookies at home. These cookies will be Christmas presents for the rest of the unit members. For the whole day, i was in pain. The sun burn on my shoulders and back is really bad. Whenever i lie down on the sofa, i'll be in pain. My whole body is so red.
Christmas in 4 days time. So exciting!

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